Flexible Distance Learning Options
Are you looking for a challenging, 以宗教信仰为基础的教育, but don’t have the time or flexibility to attend all of your courses on a set schedule? Complete your degree with the flexibility of online study. Kansas Wesleyan University offers students the opportunity to get the same quality education through online and hybrid course offerings.
Students taking online courses at KWU have the ability to interact with faculty and other students, complete assignments and tests, and study when and wherever it’s convenient for them. 我们理解你需要平衡工作和学业目标. That’s why we’re fully committed to bringing our quality education and passionate faculty to you online.
Starting Your Online Class
Each online course at Kansas Wesleyan University will be slightly different; some have online class meetings, 有些课程通过我们的在线远程教育平台进行互动讨论, and others offer per-recorded video lectures, 但也有一些元素适用于所有的KWU在线课程.
- 所有KWU在线课程在官方公布的开课日期前两周开放 校历. To access your course information, click the link for 我KWU located beside the Search box at the top of this page.
- Log in using your assigned username and password. 这应该在录取过程中提供给你.
- 在左侧点击“我的课程”,然后点击你的课程.
- 回顾课程大纲、讲义、课程作业和课堂的书签部分.
- If you have any problems logging in or accessing the class contact Student Services immediately.
- 你正在考虑的任何课程的开始和结束日期都是确定的. Students will not be allowed to register for online courses after the official first day of class.
- You should log on and complete the first assignment before the start date of the class (usually an introduction or a quiz on the syllabus).
- Assigned textbooks/materials should be purchased and in your possession when the class opens (two weeks prior to start date).
- 你应该计划/安排提前完成所有作业——截止日期是确定的.
- From the main Web Page log in and check your KWU email using the username and password provided.
Contact 在线学习
Dr. 达蒙卡夫
(785) 833-4332
学杂费已在大学网上网页公布 学费和杂费 section.
Are textbooks and materials included in the tuition and fees?
不,教科书和课程材料费用不包括在学杂费中. Textbooks are available for purchase from kwu.ecampus.com. 有 两种方法 know what textbooks you will need for each class:
- Log on to your myKWU account. 在主页的左侧,你会看到一个名为“我的课程”的链接。. Click on this link to see information about your course, 你的教授,了解你的课本和其他必修课程材料. 写下你的课程编号,以及文本的ISBN和版本号.
- 去 be.hn94.com and click on “Buy Textbooks”. It will take you to KWU E-Campus. 在那里,搜索你的课程编号,找到你的课本的ISBN和版本号. You can also purchase or rent your textbooks at that site. See “Book Vouchers” below. 欢迎您购买/租用您的教科书,您可以找到最好的价值, but Book Vouchers can only be used at kwu.ecampus.com.
如果你的总经济援助奖励大于你的费用, you are entitled to a “Credit Balance,” which you can use to as a “Book Voucher” issued by the Student Financial Planning Department.
Th earlier you can obtain your textbooks, the better. Working during the Summer and saving your wages is a good way to pay ahead of the semester for textbooks. 然而, 如果您仍然有计划的信用余额,并希望使用图书代金券, 联系K Dub中心的学生财务规划办公室(先锋馆285), 785-833-4315) for more information about book vouchers.
Is Kansas Wesleyan University regionally accredited?
Kansas Wesleyan University is fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of College and Schools, 30 North LaSalle Street, 2400套房, 芝加哥, IL 60602-2504, USA 800-621-7440; or (312) 263-0456.
首次申请入读本校的学生须缴付一次学费, 本科生申请费20美元,研究生申请费30美元,不予退还. International student fees are $30 (U.S. 基金). 在支付此申请费之前,不会采取任何有关入学的行动.
是的. Students enrolling at Kansas Wesleyan University for the first time must submit an application for admission, which can be found on the KWU 招生 web page, or by calling the 招生 Office at 785-833-4305.
是的. 申请表可在招生办公室网站上在线获取. Non-degree seeking students must complete the application for admission and supply evidence of the bachelor’s degree (transcript) with an acceptable admissions application. Inquiries should be made to the office of admissions prior to pre-registration/enrollment.
Did you receive your application materials?
If you completed the undergraduate or graduate application, 你可致电九华大学注册主任办公室查询你的注册情况 785-833-4319 或电邮至 (电子邮件保护).
How can I find out who is assigned as my advisor?
Advisor information is provided to each student by the 注册商’s Office when the student is admitted to the University. 要查找您的导师是谁,请使用您指定的登录信息访问MyKWU.
How do I find out what classes are offered next semester?
For an up-to-date list of course offerings for current and upcoming semesters, visit the KWU网上网页.
How will I know what classes to take?
How can I pre-enroll/enroll for my KWU Online course(s)?
您必须登录MyKWU以完成注册流程. Pre-registrations/enrollments should be completed prior to the official semester/term start date. 精选课程、工作坊和研讨会可能有其他报名日期. 查看MyKWU在线课程时间表以获取准确的入学信息.
For information regarding the Academic Appeal process, students should visit the section on Student Complaints and Appeals on the KWU Online website. Before filing an Academic Appeal, please review the Kansas Wesleyan University policy regarding the Student Complaint and Academic Appeal process.
The following are the minimum technical requirements to take Internet-based courses from KWU Online:
- Windows 7 or higher, “full” version, not “RT” or “Mobile”
- 2+ GHz CPU, 4+ Gb RAM, ample Hard Drive Storage Space, Ethernet and/or WiFi connectivity
- Mac OS X 10.7或以上(狮子,山狮,小牛,约塞米蒂,埃尔卡皮坦- 10).9.5 “Mavericks” or higher recommended)
- 1.6 GHz or higher “Intel-Based” CPU, at least 4_ Gb RAM (8+ recommended), ample hard drive storage, Ethernet and/or WiFi connectivity
- IE 11 or higher, Firefox 38 or higher, or Safari 7 or higher (Firefox highly recommended)
- Adobe Reader, newest version available at (免费下载):
- Adobe Flash Plugin, newest version available at (免费下载):
- Java browser plugin, newest version available at (免费下载):
- Microsoft Office(注册后可在线使用Office365)
- 学生必须定期接入可靠、高速的互联网. (DSL, U-Verse, Cable Modem, Fiber link, etc.)
- 基于卫星或手机“热点”的连接通常不适合. (如果这是您唯一的选择,请联系技术服务以获取更多信息.)
- 图形卡和显示器能够1024×764显示(或更好)
- Stereo sound card, speakers and/or headset. A microphone may be needed for select courses. Check with your instructor.
- 有足够的硬碟空间供下载与课程有关的文件
- A webcam may be required in some classes. Check with your instructor.
- 请注意:
Mobile computing devices; smartphones, iPads, tablets, etc. 不完全支援九大网上课程的所有功能. There may be some features or assignments that CANNOT be done with a mobile device and will require a “full” Desktop/Laptop computing system. If your mobile device is your primary computing device, 如果需要,请确保您随时可以访问完整的计算机系统. 上课前, please check with your instructors for any other special technical requirements they may have.
What if I have technical problems with my online course?
为中大网上课程提供技术支援, 联系杰伊·克罗布, Director of Information Systems, at 785-833-4440 or Ruth Mirtz, Director of Instructional Technology, at 785-833-4365.
Can I take courses without pursuing a degree?
Will my previous college credits transfer?
Kansas Wesleyan University does accept transfer credit from other regionally accredited institutions. Any courses identified as a remedial is not transferable to meet graduation requirements. Any courses identified as a workshop, seminar-practicum, 领域经验, and continuing education will be carefully evaluated by the Office of the 注册商 to determine transferability of possible course credit.
*Please note that grades earned in a quarter term system do not transfer as full credit listed on a transcript. Quarter-term hours will compute at two-thirds of KWU credit hours; e.g., four quarter-term hours will equal 2.67学时.
Can I attend graduation on campus?
是的! 我校鼓励在线学生参加毕业典礼.
退还学费, 房间, 所有正式退课的学生都要交住宿费. No adjustment is made to a student’s charges, including 房间 and board charges, for those students who withdraw from some but not all courses after the last day to add classes (according to the 校历). A withdrawal administrative fee of five percent of original charges (up to $100) is charged to all students who withdraw from all classes at any point in the term after the first day of classes.
学费收费, 房间 and board will be pro-rated on the percentage of the term the student was enrolled at KWU up to 60 percent of the term. Students dis-enrolling from all classes after 60 percent of the term will not receive a reduction in charges.
How will I know the date to drop or withdraw from a course?
All important dates concerning enrollment from adding a course or withdrawing/dropping a course can be found on the KWU website in the 校历.
Where do I find the online student portal?
当您申请入学时,您将获得MyKWU登录凭证. 进入我的KWU的主要链接位于机构主页的顶部.
How do I make payments for my classes?
鼓励学生通过支票向商务办公室付款, or they can log into their MyKWU portal and submit payment via credit card under the student accounts section.
Students may mail a check or money order to:
Kansas Wesleyan University
萨利纳,KS 67401
*请务必在提交付款时提供您的学生证号码, 这将确保您的付款得到及时处理.
Can I set up a payment plan for my courses?
是的. After you have registered for classes, 您将有机会填写付款选择表或全额付款, whichever best suits your situation.
Who can I contact for more information?
For additional information on KWU Online offerings, courses and blended programs, 联系 following area representatives:
Liberal Studies and General Education: Karissa斯文森
刑事司法 (available fully online): 约翰Burchill
应急管理 (available fully online): Dr. 朗尼布克
MBA (available fully online): Dr. 达蒙卡夫
R.N. B.S. with a major in Nursing (available fully online): Janeane Houchin
For students who have a complaint or concern regarding an online course or hybrid instruction issue, 学生应按照学校的规定与指导老师联系, the academic unit head and the university, 按照这个顺序. For broader online and hybrid course complaints that are not directly tied to a specific problem in a specific course, the student should contact Dr. 达蒙卡夫, Provost, for resolution.
After you have followed the “在线和混合课程参与者的学生投诉流程” process provided above and the online course or hybrid instruction issue remains unresolved, 联系 Kansas Board of Regents. If you are located out of state, please use this link to 联系 Board of Regents.